Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance

Poor weather conditions and roof designs, rooftop contaminants, building movements, contractor damages, and vandalism – all of these can cause roof damage, which is why it’s so common. With regular maintenance, you can add years to your roof’s life, prevent costly emergencies, and save money in the long run.
Come to Paragon Roofing for the most thorough roof maintenance in the Hudson area. Your home is an investment in your future — protection and prevention are the keys.

Roof Maintenance Basics

When you sign up for our maintenance plan, you’ll get regularly scheduled maintenance and repair service for your roof and its components.
Having a maintenance plan in place can help you create an effective budget for maintenance and save money in the long run.

Comprehensive Integrity Report

  • Digital photographs with documentation of all roofing defects
  • A roof condition and life expectancy rating
  • Estimates on required maintenance and repairs
  • Prioritization of maintenance and repairs
  • Reports for single or multiple buildings

Get Started With a Roof Maintenance Plan Today

You will receive a list of needed repairs with digital photos and detailed explanations, so you understand what needs to be fixed. Then we will help you prioritize the necessary repairs. Your roof will get the attention it deserves with budget-friendly, semi-annual roof inspection and evaluation.

Your detailed inspection will include chimneys and exhaust units. In the long term, the program pays for itself because you’ll prevent damage and avoid the cost of re-roofing. Do you have questions about our maintenance plan? Contact Paragon Roofing of Hudson, NY and get FREE estimates.